Traversing the Pages

Review: The House Across the Lake

The House Across the Lake is a new release thriller by Riley Sager! After hearing so many great things about his books, I finally decided to pick this one up and was pleasantly surprised!

The House Across the Lake was definitely a book out of my comfort zone, yet it had me glued to my seat the entire time. There were plot twists after plot twists and, at one point, I felt that I couldn't trust anything that the book was saying. The scenes where the main character, Casey, was looking through her binoculars were so fascinating! Although nothing extraordinary was occurring, these scenes had an odd, almost eerie, aura to them, and I could envision everything that was described. Even the more mundane scenes were intriguing as they built up the suspense and made you anticipate a startling revelation.

This book took a dramatic turn that I truly did not expect. No spoilers though, you need to read it for yourself to get the full experience!

Overall, I rated this book a ⭐⭐⭐⭐.25. I highly recommend giving this one a read, especially during the fall time! :)

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