I ❤️ my dog Yuki

Would you like to learn more about him?

dog yuki

Meet my dog Yuki. He is a 6-year-old Danish-Swedish farmdog living in Copenhagen. Some might mistake him for a Jack Russel, but even though they are similar, the Danish-Swedish farmdogs are a different kind of dogs. Found mostly in Scandinavia, these dogs are also known as rat dogs because they like to chase rodents. They have a lof energy and like to run around, play fetch, and go on long walks.

Yuki loves to play with his favorite toys, which he often ends up destroying. He also loves to snuggle and be petted. Yuki is very friendly with most humans, however, he can be aggressive towards othe male dogs. He loves cheese and hates skateboards.

Read more about Yuki's breed on Wikipedia 🤓