How to get back into art

A set of challenges to get you started

Vase full of flowers

Whether you’re eight years old or 80, it’s never too late to start making art. We make art as children and hardly think twice about it. As we grow and mature, judgement and self awareness creep in and we become afraid of failure or embarrassment. Let's change that!

But where do I even start?

A good place to start is trying to release expectation and instead focus on feeling inspired and stimulated. Inspiration is all around you. Start to notice what attracts you and record it as a reference for future drawings. The more you begin to notice the inspiration around you, the sharper you will get at recognising it.

Practise introspection

Open your awareness to your own history, talents, interests and fascinations that make you who you are. What activities bring you true joy — cooking, setting a beautiful table, dressing creatively, hiking, gardening, movies?

There must be many things, and these things tell you something about what inspires you and holds your interest. Make a point of stopping in museums and galleries when you are traveling. They are practically in every town, and you might be surprised by what a random visit triggers in you.

Experiment and then experiment some more

Next comes the fun part. It can be overwhelming to stare at a blank piece of paper so it may be helpful to start drawing things that you can see. Reference photos, objects, a leaf or anything around you can help with overcome this block. Get a basic understanding of proportion and colour theory, then start manipulating both to see what wonderful things you can create. Experiment, laugh at yourself, start again, then experiment some more. The important thing is to release judgement of yourself and enjoy the process. Let's go!

Learn about colour theory