journey to a better self

What is Project50?

Project50 is a lifestyle challange that in layman's terms means transforming a task into a project that matters.
To read more about the vision of this challange, click here.

Motivational quote

PROJECT50 rules

In whatever smaller or bigger way you decide to follow the rules below, remember to keep it simple (do not overcomplicate things), keep it moving (be consistent) and keep it present (do not compare yourself to others).

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rule 1: wake up before 8 a.m.
Sleep at least 6 hours and try to maintain a consistent bed routine. If you need to get up early, try to go to bed early, too.

rule 2: create a morning routine
Set yourself a proper morning routine that you would like to follow for the next 50 days. Do not check your email or social media for at least half an hour after you wake up. Instead, make your bed, follow a skincare routine, meditate, go for a walk or read a book - the choice is yours.

rule 3: exercise
Excercise based on your fitness level. Start smal - even with as little as 15 minute yoga, stretching, walk outside or go to the gym as a part fo your morning routine.

rule 4: read 10 pages a day
Read at least 10 pages from a book every day. Reading helps enhance your vocalubary and knowledge. It increases imagination and creativity, helps to relax and reduce stress. Moreover, it keeps you away from the distractions that are doing us no good.

rule 5: dedicate 1 hour towards new skill
Have you always wanted to learn playing piano? Or you're interested in coding? How about learning a new language? Pick whatever skill you would like to develop that will help you make your life better/fuller and dedicate an hour a day with no distractions to it.

rule 6: eat healthy
Eliminate drinking alcohol and soft drinks, eat more veggies and proteins. Try cooking healthy meals at home instead of going out for lunch/dinner. Also, remember to drink enough water.

rule 7: track your progress
Write down positive and negative experiences of each day, every day. What you've learned and what you can improve. It is up to you whether you will use an actual journal, Notes app on your phone or your computer. Whatever works best for you.

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