Succulents come from all around the world, along with their particular needs and preferences. But with a little knowledge and empathy, it is easy to keep succulent houseplants happy.
Spring and Summer
Regardless of their land of origin, most succulents in Central Europe
grow and bloom in the spring and summer. During this time, they need
water - just enough to keep the soil from drying out but not so much
that it becomes soaked. During the growing season, the plants do well
outdoors. Some species like direct sunlight, whereas others prefer
partial shade.
In winter, succulents require hardly any water. However, they do
appreciate an occasional misting with a water atomizer. Some plants
shrink a little in winter. This is natural! Since most species are not
frosting hardy, they should be overwintered indoors - ideally in a
bright, cool room (8-14°C).️
Succulents require well-drained, loose soil. Some commercial potting soils for succulents contain too much peat and must be mixed with coarse sand. Every 3-5 years, the plants need fresh soil and perhaps a larger pot. After repotting, one should wait 10-14 days before watering to allow any broken roots to heal. Cactus fertilizer is only needed after the first year, about once a month during the growing season. Succulents are propagated by cuttings from seeds.
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