Journaling ✒️

Bullet Journal Method

bullet Journal

A bullet journal, also known as a BuJo, is a mix of a daily planner, to-do list, and diary. The bullet journal is an analog journaling system created by New York-based designer Ryder Carroll. He describes this journaling approach as a method to "help you track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future." The bullet journal system is fairly complex. Each component of the journal is broken down into a series of modules:

  • A future log where you record your plans and aspirations for the future
  • A monthly calendar that helps you track shorter-term goals, to-dos, and deadlines
  • A daily log for keeping track of daily tasks, appointments, and immediate deadlines

  • You might opt to focus on specific health and fitness goals. Or you might track your daily moods in order to look for patterns that influence your behaviors. You might even focus on academic, career, or personal development goals.