Coronavirus: 5 five apps that will help you work remotely

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Companies are closing temporarily and several employees are forced to do home office due to the coronavirus epidemic. Now the remote work is vital for many companies to continue producing during this period.

During this period, companies must update themselves against a whole range of digital tools currently available. It is important to offer a variety of digital solutions that can adapt to your employees' routines and provide good productivity during this time.

Being away from your work computer can deprive you of several important tools in your daily life. But some apps can make your job easier and help you stay in touch with the team, even if you are far from your colleagues.

Workflow control tool: Strict Workflow

The name says it all: a strict workflow. This Chrome extension controls your browser, blocking sites that may distract you from work. You can customize the list of blocked sites, but the service already provides a list of the most common sites for procrastination.

Download here!

Team communication tool: Slack

Slack is software that increases the productivity of professional conversations, excluding the need for emails or messages via WhatsApp. All project communications are brought together in one environment, with publications that can be public or private. The tool integrates with other services, such as Google Drive, Office 365 and Trello. In addition, it avoids mixing personal and professional conversations on WhatsApp, for example.

Download here!

Project management tool: Trello

Trello helps you manage your projects with cards that hang on a board. They are arranged by columns and by category. It's pretty easy to use and is also collaborative like Slack.

Download here!

Working hours control tool: Toggl

Toggl is a working hours control tool available for PC, Android and iPhone (iOS) which measures the time invested in each project or client. The program performs this count automatically by employee or team and generates detailed reports, eliminating the need to fill out spreadsheets. This can be a good solution for keeping track of the hours worked during the home office.

Download here!

Video conferencing tool: Zoom

Focused on businesses, Zoom Meetings is a videoconferencing tool that allows videoconferencing between two people or with 500 participants, in addition to webinars with up to 10,000 people. It is also possible to share files, texts and presentations via chat. The basic version is free and accessible on Windows PCs, macOS and Linux, as well as on Android or iPhone smartphones.

Download here!

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Coded by Isadora Carvalho