Umbrella Cockatoos

Also known as White Cockatoos,
or Great White-Crested Cockatoos

🏖ī¸ The umbrella cockatoo is well-known in bird circles as being one of the most affectionate and friendly companion birds widely available on the market today. An Indonesian native, the umbrella is slightly smaller than the Moluccan cockatoo, but is not smaller in personality or charm. This out-going cockatoo is infamous for its outlandish antics and for being clingy with its owners. The umbrella can be distinguished from other white cockatoos by its white crest that raises like an umbrella when the bird is excited, agitated, or ready to play (or bite!). The beak and legs are a dark gray, and the feathers on the undersides of the wings and tail are light yellow.

woman holding excited umbrella cockatoo with its wings out and crest

☂ī¸ When an umbrella cockatoo is active and excited but not angry, like when it is playing, it will show this with its body language. It will put its crest feathers up, be very active, and make excited noises. The feathers on the side of the head are not erect, only the crest. This can be interpreted as a happy, confident cockatoo.

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đŸ“ĸ The noise level of this species is extremely high. It is prone to bouts of loud screaming, especially if it is isolated, locked in a cage, or doesn't get its way. Many cockatoos are re-homed because of their deafening vocalizations, which is a natural behavior that cannot be fully trained away. On the up side, they can be taught to talk and may acquire a vocabulary of more than 50 words, though most will not learn that many.

Click below to listen to an umbrella cockatoo vocalizing!