The Silent Freshers Killer

It might be nothing, it might be meningitis poster

Are you a university fresher?

Do you live in halls?

Meningitis is a serious disease that spreads easily through first year university students

One in four 15 to 19 year olds will be carrying meningococcal bacteria, this causes meningitis in the back of the throat.

This can be transfered through coughing, sneezing, kissing and sharing utensils .

With new university students being in the second most 'at risk' group for contracting meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia it is important to recognise the signs of the disease and to know what to do if someone contracts it.

    and symptoms of meningitis poster

Early symptoms include

What to do if someone has septicaemia?

Since the disease has similar symptoms to that of the infamous 'Freshers flu', having a hangover and Covid-19 it can easily be mistaken and not reported on.

This can lead to permanent damage to the brain an/or nerves, hearing and/or vision loss, loss of limb, recurrent seizures, or death.

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