// Meet the Females of Night_City 🦾 // Meet the Females of Night_City 🦾 // Meet the Females of Night_City 🦾 // Meet the Females of Night_City 🦾 // Meet the Females of Night_City 🦾

Cyberpunk 2077


Judy is Night City's premier braindance technician, heavily respected for her skills, innovation and creativity. Motivated to change things for the better she teamed with The Mox and currently works for them as a BD technician and editor.


As for netrunners, it's hard to find someone more pro than Bug. Her consistency and persistence have brought her respect and trust in the field. As the mercs say; if Bug can't do it, who can?


Evelyn's intelligence and ambition drives her to demand more from life. Her goal of becoming a professional actress, and her rational head for the biz, led her to a job at the Doll House, but this stepping stone in her career quickly became something much more permanent.


"Mama" Brigitte is the leader of the Voodoo Boys gang. She is mysterious and unnerving, threatening even. She pursues her aims with a dogged, merciless ambition – it’s much better to have her as a friend than a foe. Although she doesn’t pose a major threat in Realspace, she’s deadly in The Net.


The Mox are relatively small, non-territorial, and consist of of mostly sex workers, anarchists, punks, and sexual minorities. Formed in 2067 in the interest of mutual self-defence purposes, they refer to themselves as those who protect working girls and guys from violence and abuse.


Sasquatch is the leader of a gang called the Animals from west Pacifica known for their brutality and fascination with everything corporeal; who unnaturally enhance their abilities with a drug known as
The Juice.


Meredith, the Senior Operations Manager for Militech, is an egomaniac who will stop at nothing to reach her goals, and she's highly successful. She lives and breathes corporate. She despises the common folk and spits all over people from the lower classes.


Lizzy Wizzy is a socially and politically active musician, front-woman of Lizzy Wizzy and the Metadwarves, who is renowned for performing what some call 'the greatest show of all time' after she died on stage and was treated by a Trauma Team group, completing the concert as a cyborg. She went on to replace her entire body with cyberwear, through the process becoming entirely 𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔢.


You are V, a cyberpunk. In a world of cyber enhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners and corporate life-hackers, today is your first step to becoming an urban legend.

Coded by Emily May 👩🏻‍💻