Buddys for Asylum-Seekers

Find a buddy to help you navigate the complexities of the asylum application process


The road to being granted refugee status is long, protracted and full of pitfalls. It is therefore highly recommended to get the help of someone knowlegdable about the process.

We are an organization with the aim of providing buddys for Asylum seekers in general and for those with low chances for being granted official refugee status in particular.

Our volunteers are trained in the official laws relating to the asylum process and we work closely with lawyers specializing in the subject area. While we can't promise your asylum application will be accepted, we do promise to provide you with all the necessary information to make informed choices. We also prepare you for all of your interviews with the BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge). Our volunteers will furthermore help you navigate life in Germany in general as well as provide you with opportunities to learn German and have fun while doing so.

Learn more about our organization