Why I Love Kayaking

And its mental health benefits!

Kayak on Black River

While I am not the most adventerous individual, I still take time to appreciate nature when it is around me; the calming flow of the water, or the smell of fresh greenery while birds chirp from above. One of the most accessible ways to place myself into a natural setting is by kayaking. Kayaking takes you away from the noise of our busy world and puts you into a calming, quiet location where you actually feel like you're a part of the wildlife you've engulfed yourself in! Some of my favorite interactions have come from floating along in my kayak. Quaking ducks letting the flow of the stream take them to catching the incredible sight of a majestic Bald Eagle flying overhead.

It's so nice to be able to play yourself within Mother Nature. There is a sense of healing by getting back to basics within nature. Kayaking releases certain “feel good” chemicals, including serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. These chemicals, called neurotransmitters, can put you in a better mood and boost your self-confidence levels. With its ability to make people feel happier, kayaking is a recommended activity for individuals suffering from depression.

The same neurotransmitters that make you feel happier when you are out paddling can also improve your ability to focus. Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are three neurotransmitters in particular that are associated with an increase in attention span and the ability to focus. All three chemicals are released through kayaking. So get out there and try kayaking!

Find out more in this beginner's guide!