The Sweetest Wax

The Difference between Sugaring Waxing Vs Traditional Waxing

Sugaring Wax

Sugaring is a completely natural treatment. The warm (not hot) paste consists of just three ingredients: lemon, sugar, and water. There are no additives or cloth strips involved which makes it more environmentally conscious vs. waxing. One thing I just learned is that sugaring can help you avoid ingrown hairs as it cleans out the live skin cells that keep your hair from growing normally.

Yes, it hurts! That being said it’s more gentle than waxing because the sugar lemon mixture is warm and not hot. Also: with waxing, the hair is pulled out from the opposite direction of your follicle’s growth pattern but with sugaring, hair is pulled in the natural direction of the follicle’s growth pattern. One other thing that makes it less painful than waxing is that the paste does not stick to your skin; it only attaches to the hair.

Still, you’re pulling hair out so I want to manage expectations: while less painful than waxing, it does hurt quite a bit, especially if you are doing a more sensitive area like the bikini line. The pain level is more in line with tweezing… if you tweezed several hairs at a time!

Sugaring is amazing for sensitive skin, it’s gentle and it’s natural. So the pros are pretty good. The only con is that if your hair is very thick or coarse, it may not be effective. Your aesthetician will be able to determine which option is better for you

Traditional Wax

Waxing is when a wax (usually a hard wax) is applied to an area of skin and then pulled off in the opposite direction; removing the hair from the follicle. It’s good to check with your salon to find out what’s in the wax they’re using… some waxes are all natural, some contain essential oils or other ingredients (I like Azulene), and some contain chemicals (which I try to avoid).

Yes – it’s painful! You are pulling out the hair from the root and because the strip is pulled in the opposite direction of the hair growth, it can be pretty painful.

It lasts a long time, and it’s super effective no matter what your hair type… even the thickest, coarsest hair types respond well to wax. Waxing hurts, but it delivers smooth long-lasting results and it’s always effective.

Coded by 💋 Shamia Williams