Haunted Samhain

A history of All Hallows Eve, or... Halloween

Hands holding a skull next to pumpkins

Samhain is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. In modern times, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced β€œSAH-win”) is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in β€œthe dark half of the year.” Celebrants believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between humans and denizens of the Otherworld.

Because the Celts believed that the barrier between worlds was breachable during Samhain, they prepared offerings that were left outside villages and fields for fairies, or Sidhs. It was expected that ancestors might cross over during this time as well, and Celts would dress as animals and monsters so that fairies were not tempted to kidnap them.

Read more: Who were the Celts?