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Sourdough bread: what is it?

My mission?

My mission? To show that sourdough baking
can be accessible to anyone, even you.


By using a special starter of wild yeast and bacteria, the positives of consuming sourdough far outweigh the negative media eye. Sourdough bread is a baking art form that is, by its very nature, a healthier choice. Sourdough bread has many more advantages than regular bread. Read moreBy using a special starter of wild yeast and bacteria, the positives of consuming sourdough far outweigh the negative media eye. Sourdough bread is a baking art form that is, by its very nature, a healthier choice. Sourdough bread has many more advantages than regular bread. Read more...

Rustic Sourdough Bread

Think you can't bake artisan sourdough bread at home? Think again! Sourdough Bread will become your favorite recipe for simple, easy, no-knead sourdough bread. Make the dough in the morning or at night - it will come together in under 10 minutes.


  • 110g ripe (fed) sourdough starter
  • 340g water, lukewarm
  • 15g salt
  • 500g flour


  1. Weigh your flour and combine all of the ingredients, kneading to form a smooth dough.
  2. Allow the dough to rise, in a lightly greased, covered bowl, until it's doubled in size, about 2 hours. Do four sets of stretch and folds, 30 mins apart
  3. Cover, let proof 2 hours on the kitchen counter.
  4. Check your dough, and when it has almost doubled in size, stretch, fold, and shape. Place in a parchment-lined bowl seam side down. Cover with a towel and leave for 1 hour on the work surface. Then put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. heating up your dutch oven or bread baker too, for 50-60 minutes at 475-500F
  6. Bake with the lid on for 20-25 minutes. Remove lid, lower heat to 45oF and bake 15 more minutes, until very deeply golden and internal temp reaches 208F.
  7. Cool and enjoy!

Buy sourdough

But before you dive in, here’s a secret: sourdough bread is more than just a recipe… it’s an understanding.

If you want to immerse yourself in this process, then purchase our classic fresh sourdough starter!