How to be motivated and effective in the learning process?

You need to find your flow!

Flow is defined as an optimal state of consciousness, a state where you feel your best and perform your best. These are those moments of rapt attention and total absorption, when you get so focused on the task at hand that everything else disappears.

This phenomenon was the aim of study of a psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly. Take a look at his graph of flow state when a person's ability to execute a task balances the difficulty of the task they have to perform.

Flow chart

Also, the balance of perceived challenges and skills are important factors in flow. On the one hand, when a challenge is bigger than oneโ€™s level of skills, one becomes anxious and stressed. On the other hand, when the level of skill exceeds the size of the challenge, one becomes bored and distracted.

How can I achieve flow in the learning process?

Coded by Aneta Barone