How Much Do You Truly Love Yourself?

What would your honest answer be...


Do you love yourself fully?

Or do you pick when to love yourself based on..

How much do you truly love yourself?

Think about the people in your life that you love and respect.. your family, friends, partner, your pet. How do you treat them and show up for them?
You're kind, forgiving whent they make a mistake, patient, loving, you respect their boundaries, you make sure they take care of themselves and their well-being.. Do you give yourself the same kindness and love that you give to others? Are you your own best friend? Do you take time for self-care in your days and weeks? Do you celebrate yoursel? Or do you think it's not a priority because deep down you don't believe you're a priority?

Loving yourself is not just a mindset, it's a lifestyle. It is one of the most important keys to feeling happier and living a truly fulfilling life.

And have you ever thought about what self-love means for you?

It can mean different things to all of us as we are all unique in our own way. It could be setting boundaries, prioritizing yourself, being nice to yourself, believing in yourself, saying "No" more often, listening to your body, taking time for yourself in your day, taking care of your health. Making time for self-care isn't selfish. It just means that you are extending the same love and kindess that you give to others to yourself too.

I know it's easy to tell someone "love yourself more" and it's a completely different story to actually do that. There's no magic formula to love yourself that fits everyone, because our stories are unique, our personalities and upbringings are different. That's why no matter where you are on your self-love journey right now, I'm here to share my experiences and lessons with you in case it helps you.

I've compiled 15 practical tips from my own experience learning to love myself more into a short video. You can watch it by clicking here.

If you would like to receive more self-love and self-care tips, you can subscribe to my weekly newsletter below.

This page was built by Mia Belle Trisna