👣Big Foot👣

The Cryptic Hunter's Largest Prize

Big Foot walking/looking back at photographer

Gigantopithecus canadensis*, more commonly associated with the name "Big Foot" is one of the most notorius legends of the Pacific Northwest. Supposedly, standing between 6 to 8 feet tall, the Gigantopithecus canadensis can weigh upwards of 500 pounds. While there is little evidence to prove his existance, Big Foot lives rent free in many minds throughout the world. Big Foot hunters make many claims, but my favorite claims will always be their proof of existance through photos and molds made from impressions of foot prints in the mud! Recorded prints measure to 18 inches long and 9 inches at their widest points.
*As Big Foot is an unconfirmed species, this is an unofficial scientific name.

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