🖐Hello! Call me Esibe Vanessa

I love coding...

Here are the Reasons why I love coding

As a programmer, you are going to work on exciting projects! One of the best parts of being a programmer is creating something that didn't exist before. To talk to me personaly, contact me on linkedin

When you're coding, you are always learning and challenging yourself due to the non-repeating nature of the tasks!

While creating a program or app, you constantly expand your understanding of the problem and the solution, trying out new frameworks, solving tricky issues with new algorithms, and using a different methodology. All this results in stretching your mind and improving your patience, perseverance, and discipline.

When you manage to build an app that can save humans' time and prevent them from doing tricky tasks, you make a small difference in people's lives Undoubtedly.

In brief, coding may obviously push you outside of your comfort zone, but in a good way!

Feel free to connect with me on linkedin