

Powerlifting is a weightlifting sport that consists of three main lifts:

During a competition, each exercise is attempted three times only. During the run of each exercise, the maximum lift succesfully attained is counted towards the final score. The lifter with the highest total of all three scores is considered the winner.

Back Squat

The lifter will start with the loaded bar on the rack. At the call of the referee, the lifter will lift the bar from the rack and take two to three steps backwards. At the "squat" command, the lifter will perform the squat, only reracking when the referee calls the "rack" command.

A squat is considered successful when the lifters hips are perpindicular to the floor and the bar is succesfully reracked.

Tamara Walcott Back Squat

Bench Press

The lifter will start with the loaded bar on the rack. Unlike the other two lifts, there are three commands to the Bench Press routine. After unracking the bar, the lifter will lower the bar to their chest upon the command "bench". The lifter will let the bar sit on their chest until the referee issues the command "press". Once the weight is pressed successfully, the lifter will need to wait for the "rack" command before reracking the weight.

A bench press is considered successful if the lifter is able to successfully respond to each of the referees commands while mainting glute contact with the bench.

Linda Castillo Bench Press


The lifter stands behind the loaded bar on the ground. There are two acceptable stances while deadlifting (though this is the cause of much debate). Either the lifter will pull using a conventional stance, which means the feet are closer to shoulder width apart, or a sumo stance (pictured below), which means that the feet are wider than shoulder width apart. At the "pull" command, the lifter will pull the bar upwards, while maintaining a straight back and lifting with their lower body. After the lifter straightens out, they will await the "drop" command from the referee.

A deadlift is considered successful when the lifter successfully lifts the weight in correspondence to the commands and the bar never leaves the lifters hands upon either ascent or descent.

Stephi Cohen Deadlifting
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Ready to Compete?

Use the below table to find your weight class, then find a competition using our tool!

Weight Range Weight Class
≤43kg Junior/Sub-Junior
47kg Flyweight
52kg Bantamweight
57kg Featherweight
63kg Lightweight
69kg Welterweight
76kg Middleweight
84kg Heavyweight
≥84kg Super Heavyweight