Nature Heals

Mind ~ Body ~ Soul

Lifting the human spirit is one of the most glorious gifts that nature has to offer mankind.

The healing power of nature impacts our emotional and physical well-being. A natural environment or even a high-quality photograph of a beautiful landscape can relieve anxiety, reduce anger and fear, lower heart rate and muscle tension. The therapeutic impact of the nature truly has no limits.

β€œIn every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
~ American naturalist and writer, John Muir

When we give to the Earth from our hearts, we are also giving to ourselves because each of us is intrinsically a part of the Earth. When we make the effort to heal the Earth, we heal ourselves.

3 Ways To Harness The Healing Power Of Nature β€” And How To Give Back In Return

  • Number 1 icon with a tree and sun imagery

    For you: Bathe among the trees.

    If you're not already familiar with forest bathing, or "shinrin-yoku," it is the Japanese practice of moving slowly and mindfully through a forest environment, homing in on all five senses along the way. The experience has not only been associated with increased parasympathetic nervous system activity and heightened immunity, but the terpenes inhaled throughout the woods have also been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorigenic, and neuroprotective properties.
  • For the Earth: Donate to an environmental organization.

    While any environmental organization will do, this year we're joining in Columbia's fight to protect our forests by donating to Conservation International. Columbia has set their own goal of helping to protect 1.7 million trees by 2027β€”let's make that one, two, three-plus trees more by donating here.

  • Number 2 icon with a tree and sun imagery

    For you: Tune in to the Earth's frequency.

    "Earthing" is the practice of walking or standing barefoot on the Earth in order to connect to its innate healing energies. According to NASA, the Earth has its own frequency of about 8 hertz, caused by the electric currents of lightning interacting with the Earth's atmosphere. Connecting to this frequency has been shown to ease pain and inflammation, lessen cardiovascular risks, boost mood, and lower blood pressure.
    graphic of mother earth with woodland animals
  • For the Earth: Plant a tree.

    Conserving our forests is priority No. 1, but planting a tree is another important step in the right direction. Not only do trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen so that we can breathe, but they also help to prevent climate change and provide a net cooling effect, per tree, equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners operating for 20 hours a day.

  • Number 3 icon with a tree and sun imagery

    For you: Go for a hike.

    Hiking is a great way to get in some exercise while simultaneously connecting with nature and disconnecting from technology. Make it a social affair by calling up some friends and planning a trip out to a local park. You might even stumble upon some of the other outdoor attractions our national parks have to offer.
  • For the Earth: Pick up trash along the way.

    Whether you pack a trash bag and a pick-up stick to collect trash along your hike or volunteer at an organized Cleanup, show some love for our planet by tidying up our mess. As the old saying goes, let's leave it cleaner than how we found it!

For more info & ideas on how to connect with nature to rejuvinate your mind, body, and soul, check out these links: Explore the Healing Powers of Mother Nature
The Ultimate Healer

Coded by Shana Coulthurst 🌷 10.07.2022