The 30-Day Weight Loss

A dietitian reveals the fastest way to lose fat without going hungry

A welsh corgi named Beauty

You can lose up to 2kg of fat a week! When it comes to weight loss, the reality is that no one wants to lose fat slowly. Rather, we all want fat loss quickly with as little effort as possible. So, if you are really, really serious about losing body fat, what is going to be the quickest way to do it safely and in a way that will not see it regained the very next week?
What you need to know about body fat! The first thing to know when it comes to fat loss is that it is a relatively slow process from a metabolic perspective.
Unlike water weight, which explains the rather rapid drops of the scales we see when we cut carbs from our diet, fat actually has to be mobilised and burnt, which basically takes time. This explains why sometimes you see large drops on the scales when you are losing weight and at other times the weight loss is slow - when things slow down, most likely the body is mobilising fat stores to be burnt that may have been there for some time. In weight loss terms, this translates into an average drop of 0.5 to 1kg a week on a reduced calorie diet.
So, what about the people on TV weight loss shows who lose more, or even 3-4 kg a week?
First of all these people generally have more weight to lose, and the more weight you have to lose, the quicker you can lose it. These people also tend to be training for many hours each day and focusing on nothing other than weight loss, which few of us can do in real life.

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