Let's make mental health a shared project

The human society as a bee hive

Try for a second to imagine the human society as a bee hive. We have homes, and rulers, and different kinds of workers. And now, imagine that little by little the bees of the hive began to fall sick. They would stop working and change their eating habits. If this happened, we would probably conclude that something would be wrong with the environment of the bee hive. This is what is happening in the human societies. Everyday, more people fall sick from mental illness. But instead of thinking about it as a collective problem, we see it as the individual's responsibility. This way, we're never going to get the root of the issue.

Reach out to a loved one

When we understand how much our surroundings matter for our well-being, we start to see that mental health is a shared project , .

Do you want to be part of this project? Then reach out to someone you care about - even just for a minute - and see how they're doing.

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