Baby Moon

Our lovely baby Luna ๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ’›

Luna means "moon" in Latin and in several languages with Latin roots, including Spanish and Italian. In ancient Roman mythology, Luna was the moon goddess. Also referred to as Diana, she is often depicted in Roman art driving a white chariot drawn by horses or oxen.
Luna, our sweet girl was born on August 9th,2022 at the Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI. Since she arrived the whole world changed. I canโ€™t even remember how my life was without her.
She is incredible different than all the babies I've ever met in my life, she's so simple and easy to take care of. Believe it or not, since beginning I was able to sleep throughout the whole night!
Luna has been showing us how strong and lovely she is. Even during her moments in pain, she still gives us the cutest smile and now she started even laughing. She LOVES spend time with her Dadda, he loves carrying her around and spend quite time outside when itโ€™s nice. For her Momma she saves all the snuggle time and we enjoy our moments with a lot of love. ๐Ÿ’•
Since we found out we were about to have Luna, all our friends and family went crazy asking about what was going to be the perfect gift for her! Because of that we created a baby registry to help everyone to decide what to give to her.
As first time parents we still figuring a lot of stuffs out so we are open to all type of sugestions of stuffs we need to get for our baby Luna or simples activites to do with our baby at home since witer is coming for us.๐Ÿฅถ

Made by momma bear Gabriela Simonsen