Bees ๐Ÿ

Where would we 'bee' without them?

Why are bees important?

Did you know there are over 270 species of bee in the UK? ๐Ÿ But our bees are under threat , with many of them facing serious decline and even localised extinctions due to factors such as climate change, increased pesticide usage and habitat losses.

A decline in bee numbers is bad for our ecosystems because bees are considered keystone species , which means they are really important for keeping our ecosystems healthy and sustainable. In addition, humans rely on bees for goods and services including pollination of important crops, like apples ๐ŸŽ, and for honey ๐Ÿฏ and wax production.

Bee infographic

Infographic sourced from the BBC.

Bee identification

Below are a few of the bees you might spot in your garden or local park. ๐ŸŒป

The buff-tailed bumblebee
Found throughout Britain, especially in early Spring.

Buff-tailed bumble bee

The honey bee
A vital pollinator, see these bees throughout the Spring and Summer across the country.

Honey bee

The common carder bee
This fluffy bumble bee can be found wherever there are flowers to feed on!

Common carder bee

Bee images from the Wildlife Trust.

Find out more about these bees and other common bees from the Wildlife Trust.

Feeling inspired to help bees?

Here are some easy ways you can help:

Thanks for reading! Coded by Ellen Pollard.