Poutine; A Canadian Delicacy

Cheesy Poutine

What is Poutine?

Poutine is a dish originated from Quebec in the late 1950s in the Centre-du-Québec region, though its exact origins are uncertain and there are several competing claims regarding its invention. Traditionially the dish is made with the following ingredients;

But don't be afraid to get creative with your Poutine! There are many different creative alterations to the classic poutine. To name a few;

Six different Poutines from The Whistle Stop in Peterborough Ontario

There's also breakfast poutines, dessert poutines, vegan poutines, and so much more! Whether you like spicy, sweet or savoury the possibilities are endless - and delicious! In fact, there are so many different kinds of poutine, there are multiple Poutinefests to showcase the neverending variations.

How do you pronounce Poutine?

The pronounciation of Poutine is a highly controversial topic in Canada. If you don't live in the country, you might not think it's a big deal. However, as a Canadian myself, I can confirm that I've nearly ruined friendships over this arguement. Although most of the time the arguements are all in good fun, they can be pretty explosive. Regardless, here are some common pronounciations;

But which one is technically correct? Well, people in Quebcec, where the dish originated, pronounce it "Pou-Tsin". This is said with a Quebecois accent, so typically english speakers don't pronounce it this way. The more common pronounciation is "Pou-Teen", although this author heavily disagrees with this option. In my opinion, the correct way for non-french speakers to prounounce poutine is "Pou-Tin." But, I'll let you decide for yourself how you think it should be pronounced.