D&D is Pretend for Adults

And More Reasons You Should Play!

I tried some new stuff, but I made sure to meet the requirements!

PSH! D&D? Isn't that the NERD game LOSERS play in their mom's basement?

In D&D, or Dungeons & Dragons, people from all walks of life come together to be whoever or whatever they want! How you may ask? By pretending! You see, D&D is unique in that the players, the world and everything in between is made up by people who can adapt and update the story to fit what you want to experience! Are you a fan of murder mysteries? Now you can become one of the detectives(or murderers, I'm not here to judge)! Do you enjoy flexing those brain muscles with puzzles? D&D hads loads! Do you like writing and have an affinity for improv? Being a Dungeon Master might just be your thing!

BUT webpage! (I hear you cry) I thought D&D was purley FANTASY. Also, what is a Dungeon Master? And I hear there's a lot of rules 😒

A Dungeon Master, or DM, is someone who puts together the game you play. They plan the world, the characters, the encounters and basically everything the players go through. They act as a sort of narrator in a lot of cases. Of course, the players do a lot of this themselves whether they realize it or not. Everytime the player makes a choice in the game, it affects how the world and the DM reacts. Just like real life! That's what makes the game so great, you have the freedom of a fantasy without the fear of actually being killed by a monster. That being said, being a DM and setting things up takes time and effort. Please respect your DM and the work they put into giving you a good game. If you have questions, or if you want to do/see something specific in the game, talk to your DM so you can make it happen! (NOTE; there will always be consequences to your actions, but they vary between DMs!)

And now we segway back into fantasy! D&D is primarily a fantasy role-playing game. A lot of the prewitten stories/games are based in fantasy. But like I said, the DM and players can make anything happen. You just need to talk it out! That being said, there are other games like D&D that are built better for Sci-Fi settings. If that is more your speed, then I recommend looking into them, they're just as fun! Ok, BACK TO D&D!

Am I missing anything? OH, RIGHT, THE RULES!
Okay, so the reason I personally say that D&D is for 'adults' is because of the rules. Anyone of any age can play the game, but to me, what separates it from pure pretend is the rules. They keep things balanced so that victories feel earned and no one can deus-ex-machina their way around. Like I said though, things can be whatever you and the DM decide. Some DM's follow the rules very closely and some make up their own, that's called Home Brew! D&D is full of some very welcoming people, it won't be hard to find a group that's willing to help a newbie. They did for me ☺️

That's all well and good, but that's all just about the game itself and you promised reasons to play

I see you need some more convincing. FEAR NOT, for I have a list;

Alright, D&D sounds pretty cool. But, where do I even start?

Good question! Here's a few links to help you get started:

Artwork and Coding by Carolyn Loftus