
The federated Content Platform

Hygraph is the first native GraphQL Headless CMSfocused on Content Federation. As a frontend and backend agnostic API-first solution, Hygraph enables over 50,000 teams around the world to create, enrich, and deliver content programmatically.

Go-to-market, and optimize ROI Hygraph empowers teams to work in an agile manner. Your developers are free to continue working with their preferred tech stack, whilst content editors can create, manage, and distribute content in parallel. Hygraph reduces implementation time, helps lower overheads and maintenance, fits into your evolving tech stack, and allows you to scale projects as you go.

Future proof digital experiences Manage all your team’s content within a unified content repository, and let your developers query it from a single GraphQL endpoint. Hygraph delivers all requests via API, allowing you to deliver content natively to all platforms across web, mobile, wearables, and other digital displays. Learn more on Hygraph.com