Welcome to the Laugther generator!

Laughter is a pleasant physical reaction and emotion consisting usually of rhythmical, often audible contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system.
It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli. ℹī¸

Even though you've definetly laughed before, there is a chance you forgot to laugh today! 🙉

What is the Laughter generator?

It's my small project that's meant to help you laugh!

Why you should probably laugh more?

Short-term benefits

Laughter can actually cause physical changes in your body and impact your mood and behaviour. It can:

Long-term effects

Laughter can do much more over time. Making it a part of your daily routine can:

Actually, laughing can also help you burn some calories and improve your metabolism.

Ready to exercise?

Time for the knock knock joke!

Rate your laughing session today!

😂 😃 😐
Laugher can be extremely contagious â˜Ŗī¸ yet it's actually a good thing! Go spread your laughter (and this website) to improve other's mood today đŸĨ°