Welcome to Your Boba Tea Informational Zone!

Good thing, sir/madam/gender-neutral formality!

So, let's talk about the elixer of joy and utter deliciousness known as boba tea! (AKA "bubble tea")!

The origins of boba tea are as mysterious and contradictory as your average student film. (Like, if it had a psychological bend or something.) So, perhaps we should let someone more qualified discuss it.

In layman's terms, boba tea is a cold tea in a variety of flavors (see below) that usually have some form of "pearls" (such as tapioca or fruity popping pearls) or flavored jelly. The idea is to consume the stuff on the bottom in tandem with the tea itself.

PRO TIP! Boba tea flavors come in a variety of flavors, examples including:

Boba Superstar of the Day:

Still counting votes! Help us vote for the boba tea flavor of the day!