Exploring Spain

🇪🇸 Seville 🇪🇸

Seville is a beautiful city, full of beautiful architecture , tasty food , and friendly people . Seville is known as Sevilla in Spanish. Sevilla is a city in the South of Spain in a region called Andalusia. It has a rich history and was founded as a Roman city called Hispalis

Noteworthy architecture:

Seville is quite a religious city.
Semana Santa, is an annual week-long tribute to Jesus Christ and is celebrated across the country, is a big deal in this city. There are lots of processions and the reenacting of the Passion of Christ.

I have been to Seville before and my favourite site was Las Setas because you get amazing views of the city. This translates to "the mushrooms" because of its shape - as seen in the image. However, you can't miss Plaza de España!

Las Setas