The Best Campsite in Bory Tucholskie, Poland

According to me and my boyfriend

Bory Tucholskie is a National Park located in the northern part of Poland. It covers an area of 46.13 square kilometres of lakes, meadows, peatlands and forests such as Tuchola - the largest woodland in the country. Learn more on Wikipedia

If you want to spend some time away from the city, we truly recommend camping in Bory Tucholskie. This place is perfect if you like cycling, canoeing or simply being close to nature. Here you can see what we think is the best campsite in the area. There's little information about it online, as it is completely wild 🌳 and doesn't have any special facilities. All you need to do is put up your tent and contact the forester to pay for your stay. You can find his number on the notice board, so if you don't see him around - use your BLIK 💸

Picture of the forest
This page was coded by Dominika Kapel