I ❤️ Electronics 🤖

Especially Electronics in Medical Devices


During the last several decades, technological development has been accelerating and has been integrated into all fields of study, including the medical arena and the development of better devices has helped the treatment of multiple diseases. I got my major in Electronicis engineering and I do also have a master in medical devices engineering, I strongley I beleive that designing and learning about the material medical devices must be made of is important, developing medical devices' parts, in the future I would like to be a part of teams that develop solutions that can be used to enhance human life and heal different illnesses we can suffer throughout our lives. I am in loved with how much impact technology can reach within healthcare, reason why I would like to make this page about a project I have been working on to improve it, the idea of this project was based on the development of a myoelectric circuit whose functionality will be tested in a 3D printed hand prototype by using open-source editing software that offers many possibilities for computer-aided design, 3D printing, programming, design adjustment for manual myoelectric prototypes, and other low-cost state of the art myoelectric devices.


I developed a prototype usimg different tools such as Multisim Simulation to simulate the myoelectric schematic of the muscle sensor (AT-03-002). I also created a profile in GitHub about how this prototype was built, addtionally a step-by-step video in YouTube.


If you would like to check the details hit on the watch more section below.

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