Learn to Crochet

A beginner's guide

Woman crocheting

Crochet is a process of creating textiles by using a crochet hook to interlock loops of yarn, thread, or strands of other materials. The name is derived from the French term crochet, meaning small hook. Hooks can be made from a variety of materials, such as metal, wood, bamboo, or plastic.
The key difference between crochet and knitting, beyond the implements used for their production, is that each stitch in crochet is completed before the next one is begun, while knitting keeps many stitches open at a time.

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What do you need to start crocheting?

One of the great things about crochet is that you don't need many tools to get started. In fact, you only need these two things:

How to hold the Crochet Hook

Place your hand over the hook, palm facing down. Hold the hook between your thumb and index finger. Wrap your other three fingers around the shaft of the crochet hook for greater control.

How to Hold the Yarn

To hold the yarn, loop the yarn through the fingers of your non-dominant hand. Pass the yarn over the pinkie, under the third and middle fingers, and over your index finger. To create more tension on the yarn, you can loop the yarn once around the pinkie before passing it under the third and middle fingers and over the index finger.

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