Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kagiji Kumanomata. A captured princess just wants a good night’s sleep! Imprisoned in Twilight, the Demon King's castle, all spoiled-sweet Princess Syalis dreams of is a good night’s sleep...
A new game is in the works and we need one of the main characters to be the lead in the game but we couldn't decide. We are leaving it up to the fans to vote for which one is the best character! Read the descriptions of each and choose wisely! All votes will be counted and will be considered at the end of the game project! Have fun!
Her full name is Aurora Sya Lis Goodereste and she is the princess of the Unified Human Nation of Goodereste. She was kidnapped by the Demon King to make the kingdom fear him and to lure Dawner the Hero to fight him so they could end the war between humans and demons.
His name is Twilight and he is the lord of the Demon Castle who kidnapped Princess Aurora Sya Lis Goodereste. He claims to hold the greatest sway over the entire world, which is currently divided between humans and demons, but what he cares about most are event flags and game balance.