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different brews

Kombucha is a sweet, fizzy drink made from bacteria, yeast, sugar, and tea. It is usually a yellow-orange color and has a slightly sour taste. To make kombucha, a person can ferment sweetened green or black tea with a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast known to boost a person’s health. During the fermentation process, the yeasts breaks down the sugar in the tea and releases friendly probiotic bacteria. Because of this, there is some evidence to suggest that kombucha has a range of health benefits, including benefits for gut health, mental health, lower risk of infections, and better liver health. Learn more on Wikipedia

The geat news is you can make your own! There are so many different flavours. How does Pineapple, Raspberry, Mango or Lemon-Ginger sound? Click the button below to find out if you might already be part of the "Culture".
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This page was created by Monique Dawod with the assistance of Matt Delac and his team at SheCodes