šŸ’ŽZodiac Stones

Image of Zodiac Stones

Zodiac Signs and Stones

Our zodiac sign is determined by the position of the Sun and other celestial bodies at the time of our birth. At each moment, their position with each other is very unique, just like we are.
Astrology says that certain cosmic constellations influence our basic character traits, abilities and our potential. This means that we are born in a certain sign and it is also believed that the power of our zodiac sign can influence our lifeā€™s fortune. The sign is closely associated not only with the 4 natural elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, but also with different gemstones. A different stone matches each personality. Each sign gravitates towards different types of precious minerals.


Dividing gemstones into calendar months, zodiac sign dates, or other astronomy related time has been very common throughout the history.
Originally people wore or carried gems at first for their therapeutic and medicinal purposes. These properties were then associated with characteristics of the specific zodiac signs, making them talismans for those born in the same months.
It was not until the 18th century, that there was any documentation of people actually wearing stones based on if they were assigned to their date of birth or zodiac sign.
Nowdays we can find there is often more than only one stone associated with the 12 zodiac signs, allowing the individual to choose from an array of options in order to find the right stone that will fit them best.


The zodiac stones are meant to bring out and reflect the best strengths of the personality based on the characteristics of the various zodiac signs.
The right choice of a personal stone will give us energy, strengthen our hidden qualities and help us protect ourselves from adverse environmental influences. By wearing our zodiac stone we can strengthen the good energies in our life. This will have healing characteristics to benefit the mind and body.
There are usually several stones for each zodiac and there is no one single list of approved zodiac stones, so we can find a variety of them in different resources.

The Right Choice

Each zodiac sign is very unique, same for us, as human individuals.
The signs define some general character traits, but that does not mean everyone with certain sign will share exactly the same characteristics, as this can be often represented differently in each person depending also on a variety of factors.
Therefore, also our stone preferences and connection to the different stones will vary, it can even happen we will not feel the connection to the stone assigned to our zodiac sign.
The point of the zodiac stones is to help to bring out the best in us and make us feel good, therefore most important part is to choose the stone we personally love the most and where we feel the connection is strong and most powerful to us.

Image of an Amethyst