
What is all the hype about?


Let us begin with this question–what is meditation?
Meditation is the activity of physical stillness, with emphasis on awareness and connection of the mind, body and spirit feeling and emotions through thought exercises of visualization.
Where does meditation come from?
Historically, meditation is a practice that comes from the Buddhist religion. One of the core principles of Buddhism revolves around that of human suffering and the notion to control the pain and suffering that is caused by default of the human condition to have emotions. Through the practice of meditation this concept of suffering can cease and emotions controlled.
What are the benefits of meditation?
The benefits of mediation are overwhelmingly positive and there is more and more research coming out on the physical effects of meditation practice. Here’s the crazy part…studies have shown that with consistent meditation the mind can heal itself and thus, cease the suffering of an individual, heal diseases and more! Easier said than done, I know. So let me share supportive, scientific evidence of the physical effects discovered on consistent medication practice. The study by Sampaio, Lima, & Ladeia (2017) conducted a comprehensive literature review and shared that a longitudinal study done in 2011 explains that through the consistent (and long-term) practice of meditation, it was found that gray matter of the brain had been altered and in fact became more dense signifying a physical change through the active practice of meditation. The area of the brian of gray matter where it was increased, is “associated with processes of learning, memory, regulation of emotion and empathetic capacity”. The positive effects of meditation helps emotional regulation, something many individuals struggle with and by understanding that if someone is not incontrol of their emotions, it is more likely that they would be in a state of stress more often which increases those bad chemicals of cortisol that have negative effects on the body and intern can have negative physical effects body if not rendered increasing chances of an early death, increase of somatic disorders and more. There is more research supporting the reasons why people should be doing this more than there are saying the opposite.

Never meditated before? Check out tips below

Click here for more information on the benefits of meditation.


Sampaio, C. V. S., Lima, M. G., & Ladeia, A. M. (2017). Meditation, Health and Scientific Investigations: Review of the Literature. Journal of Religion and Health, 56(2), 411–427.