Chile, a country located in the most southern
part of South America, a place where the summer is wintertime which is
the opposite of how it is in the United States, I've come to find that
it is not something that people understand when you tell them this, for
a lot of people it doesn't make sense when something is different from
what they've always known. That is why it is so important to travel and
get to experience other cultures and ways of living- even climates!
This past summer I visited Chile, coming from the US seemed so far away
and the trip felt incredibly long and tiring. I was happy to leave the
sunshine of summer to go to the winter, don't get me wrong. Never
thought after living in the US that I would experience a cold summer. It
was truly amazing, getting to know a new city and new people. I was
amazed to see how beautiful the Cordillera of the Andes was hugging the
whole city of Santiago, I would recommend everyone to go to Chile just
to see this, it is something almost unreal and overwhelming, as though
it wasn't really there and you are just imagining things, although I
could have never come up with something that beautiful in my mind.
Learn more about the Andes!