Tervise sahver Stevia 🌱

ZeroCal Stevia

ZeroCal Stevia is a mixture between the sugar alcohol Erythritol and the steviol glycosides extracted from the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The minimum content of rebaudioside A amounts to 97%.
The mixture is composed in such a way that 1g ZeroCal Stevia corresponds approximately to 1g of conventional sugar.
Thus, conventional sugar in food and beverages can be substituted by ZeroCal Stevia in a ratio of 1:1.
Mixing erythritol and steviol glycosides, synergies between these two substances can be utilized whereby the respective weaknesses are eliminated. Because erythritol by itself has a sweetening power amounting to a 75% of sugar and thus requires the use of a larger quantity than with conventional sugar. The same applies to the sole use of steviol glycosides, only the other way round. Since the sweetening power of those is about 350 to 400 times higher compared to retail sugar, it is hardly possible to completely replace sugar with steviol glycosides.