doTERRA essential oils

Petal Diffuser with doTERRA's Top 10 Essential Oils

What are essential oils?

Inside many plants—hidden in roots, seeds, flowers, bark—are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds are essential oils. Essential oils give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits. Essential oils have been used by people long ago for their healing properties and everyday practical uses.

Why doTERRA?

Each bottle of doTERRA essential oil is pure. There are no contaminants, fillers, or adulterations. The essential oil industry did not have standards to ensure purity, so doTERRA created one. Every batch goes through a rigorous testing process followed by further testing and validation at an independent third party lab.

How to use doTERRA essential oils (EOs)

  1. Aromatically

    EOs can be inhaled through the nose directly from the bottle or a diffuser to open the airways as well as induce feelings of calm or alertness.

    woman smelling a bottle of essential oil
  2. Topically

    EOs can be applied directly or indirectly to the skin with the use of a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil in order to help soothe the skin.

    person applying two drops of essential oils to inner wrist
  3. Internally

    Certain doTERRA EOs can be ingested through the mouth in beverages or food to cleanse the body's lymphatic system as well as flavor food and water.

    man adding one drop of essential oil to a glass of water

Coded by Amanda Bookman