🏅Become a Massachusetts Track and Field Official🏅

Turn your love of track in to a job!

The Massachusetts Track and Field Officials Association (MTFOA) is looking for new members to join their ranks. To become certified, one needs to pass a 100-question exam, mentor with another official and attend yearly professional development training. Note: you must be at least 18 years old.

There are three seasons that need officials.

Season Sport Location
Fall Cross Country Outdoors
Winter Track & Field Indoors
Spring Track & Field Outdoors

Officials may work at the middle, or high school level, or at NCAA / intercollegiate meets.

The group is always looking for new members. The role involves timing, measuring and watching for infractions. Most importantly, officials are there to keep the contestants safe. It is a very rewarding field where officials get to see young athletes perform and improve their skills. Also observing the camaraderie within and among teams is special.

For more details, go to the MTFOA website.

Coded by Sharon Nikosey