The Obsession I Didn't Know I Had

The story of the first time I saw a ✨sloth 🦥✨

by: Hannah Kilby
Costa Rican two toed sloth eating a leaf

It was the end of July 2022 and I was floating through the sky on a 737, unaware of the very specific joy that awaited me in the jungles of Costa Rica. My boyfriend had orchestrated a surprise trip to the Central American country as for my 27th birthday. He'd invited my wonderful mom along and planned a gorgeous stay in Manuel Antonio, where our Pacific-Ocean-and-jungle-canopy-hotel-balcony-view was only a short bus ride from Manuel Antonio National Park.

Picture it: 4900 acres of lush jungle, full of monkeys, frogs, tarantulas, deer, snakes, insects, crabs...and 😱 sloths.

Despite high hopes, tragedy struck! 😢 While we saw many monkeys, hundreds of crabs, a grasshopper and a handful of iguanas, the only sloth we came across was so high in the tree canopy that even my camera's zoom lens couldn't get a good look at it.

I crossed my fingers and prayed that we'd come across another...

Two-toed sloth hanging upside down in a tree in Costa Rica

On the last day of our trip, mere hours before we would taxi back to the airport in San José, we took the advice of a local and made our way to the picturesque Playa Biesanz.

And RIGHT THERE, not even TEN FEET above the sand, hanging contentedly from a tree branch, munching on leaves, existed the best sloth there ever was.

The three of us, my mom, boyfriend and myself, stood there and snapped photos. Soon they left me to claim a spot on the beach...but I remained.



Did you know they have such wet noses? Such serenely happy expressions? I'd never seen something eat a leaf with such pleasure. You cannot convince me that sloths are not magical. In my opinion, they are now on-par with unicorns. 🦄

Coded by Hannah Kilby