"I love burgers" - Gordon Ramsay

A Brief History

"The hamburger first appeared in the 19th or early 20th century. Considerable evidence suggests that either the United States or Germany (the city of Hamburg) was the first country where two slices of bread and a ground beef steak were combined into a "hamburger sandwich" and sold." -Wikipedia

These days, burgers can be found worldwide (and in many variations), all of which are superior to other types of fast food, such as pizza, tacos and chicken wings.

What Makes The PERFECT Burger?

The good thing about burgers is that you can put whatever you want on them! Most burgers have beef patties, but it's not illegal to use different (or vegetarian) meats.

At minimum, the burger should have cheese, pickles and sauce (tomato sauce + mustard is a classic combination). Make it fancy by adding salad, such as onion, lettuce and tomato.

You know what should be illegal though? HAMBURGERS.
What sort of maniac orders a burger without cheese on it?!

Coded by Amelia White