My Cats

Maura and Leeloo

Black and white cats

Meet my cats - Maura and Leeloo.
Maura is the black one. She is 7 years old. I got her from the countryside area near Kyiv, where my family owns a little cottage. She was a stray kitten with an injured paw. I took her home to cure and since that time we are together. She's such a sweet child with a very friendly character. I love her so much!
Leeloo is the white one and she's 4 years old. I always wanted a friend for Maura as I was worried she gets bored alone without company. Leeloo was taken from the village near Kaniv, town of my childhood, together with her twin sister Markissa who was adopted by my boyfriend. Leeloo is a very interesting cat with a curious character, although a bit mischievous🤪.
Despite my hopes they never made friends with Maura as they fight frequently, although nobody wins. Oh well... At least they are not bored with each other😅.
Unfortunately my family, cats and I had to escape from our home, rescuing ourselves, same as millions of Ukrainians were forced to do after Feb 24.2022, because of full scale invasion of russia against Ukraine. So Maura and Leeloo are refugees now like myself.
I love my cats. They're making my life so much better and help me to cope with stress, especcially now, when everyday I face with the terrifying news of russian war crimes against my people every single day...
Luckily we are safe here in Poland which I'm so greateful to my Polish friends for. I wish peace and victory to my country🙏💛💙, so we could come back home soon.
Please support Ukrainian animal rescue organizations and shelters helping animals in Ukraine which suffer from war.