Count Your Blessings โœจ

Man sitting on mountain and looking at Nature

Focusing on the Negatives? Take a Pause and Focus on the Positives

Sometimes, we tend to focus on everything that is going wrong. From things that are small like that pimple on your face, or how your meeting did not go as planned, to big things like relationship and work problems. It feels like a voice in our head is telling us that our life is so hard and terrible, which just pushes us down this spiral of sad thoughts and negativity. This usually leads to unproductivity/feeling sorry for ourselves, and feeling sorrow over that which has passed. A past which we can't change. I'm here to tell you, as you may already know, we are focusing on the wrong things. One of my teachers once said (something which a lot of wise men must have said honestly), if you try to count all of your problems in your life, you will probably be able to count them on either one, or both of your hands, so no more than ten problems. But if you try to count all of the blessings you have, you won't be able to stop counting.

So lets switch it up โคต

I would love to take the time to stop, and count our blessings together, things which we take for granted on a day to day basis; in hopes that your beautiful self becomes happy, and that some of your sadness disappears. The following short videos show the importance of a few blessings which we tend to overlook.

Water ๐Ÿ’ง

Eyesight ๐Ÿ‘€

Family โค๏ธ

Recognizing all of these blessings is just the first step, now I would like to go to step two and recognize the One who gave me these blessings. God, in Arabic, Allah. As a Muslim, I believe there is no God worthy of worship Except Allah, the One who created me, provided for me from ever since I was in the womb of my mother, and up until this day He continues to provide for me in many ways. I would love for you to learn more about my faith, and possibly embark a jounrney which leads you to be grateful to the One who gave us all these blessings. Learn more by watching this video on Patience and Gratitude.

Made by Amna Ayub