The Girls

Lyra and Pantalaimon


Lyra is 2 years old! She is extremely intelligent with endless energy. Luckily, Lyra is usually in a goofy mood.
She is a purebred Australian cattle dog! According to the American Kennel Club, Lyra is an alert, curious, and pleasant breed.
Australian cattle dogs are in the herding group of work styles. To learn more about Lyra's breed, click below!

Australian Cattle Dog

Pantalaimon (Pan)

Pan is 1 years old! She is intelligent, like her sister, but is also very anxious. Luckily, Pan shows a ton of love when she is feeling insecure.
She is a mix breed dog with a diverse breed profile! Her 2 dominant breed types are Australian cattle dog and chuhuahua.
This means Pan is alert, curious, pleasant, and in the herding group too! According to the American Kennl Club, chuhuahuas are also a charming, graceful, and sassy breed.
Chihuahuas are in the toy group of work styles. To learn more about Pan's breeds, click below!

Australian Cattle Dog Chihuahua