The Power of Food

One small change you can make for a big difference

What am I passionate about? Food. I'm not just talking recipes and actually eating - I'm passionate about finding out the power of food. I'm sure you've come across that person who has probably tried to convince you one to many times to try their diet because it's fool-proof.

Here's something that is important to note: diet can also mean lifestyle. Diet does not always mean a hypocaloric approach to your daily food (aka: cutting your calories). Stop sacraficing the foods that you love to satisfy a short-term approach.

Diet: the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.

One easy substitution that you can start making today is to buy organic. Ok, ok, now I'm that person. But hear me out! We've all heard of the phrase, "You are what you eat", right? But let's take it one step further, you are what your food eats. Regardless if you are vegetarian, vegan, omnivore, carnivore or what I've been most recently introduced to, a fruitarian - your food has to consume other minerals to grow. Organic in the simplest terms just means that your food is protected. It isn't being sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides. And if your meat is organic, it means that the food that animal is eating is free from all those -cides too. A common misconception is that fruits and vegetables sprayed with those -cides can be rinsed or washed and therefore free from contaimination. But that's not the case... Those -cides sprayed on your food during growth enters your food through the soil, through the skin, through the water. Rinsing and washing will only get rid of surface contamination.

Did you know: the United States Environmental Protection Agency only re-evaluates each pesticide active ingredient every 15 years?

"Both healthy people and healthy animals are highly resistant to disease. And by definition, healthy animals do not carry disease."
- Ronald F. Schmid, N.D.

EPA Safe Pest Control
Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine - Ronald F. Schmid, N.D.