
Some interesting facts

Budgies in the wild

Although budgies are often called parakeets, they are actually birds of the species Melopsittacus Undulatus. The term parakeet is a generic label used to describe any small, parrot-like bird that has a long tail. Generally, the color of the cere — the fleshy area above its beak where its nostrils are — is the best indicator of a pet budgie's sex.A male budgie will typically have a blue cere or it may be pink or pinkish purple in color. A female budgie will usually have a brown, white, light beige, or a reddish cere. Female budgies also have whitish rings around their nostrils.

Budgies are very intelligent and adaptable birds. They are highly active and love to play with toys made from leather string, stainless steel clips, key rings, and wooden spools. Budgies are generally good around children, although you’ll need to provide close adult supervision in order to ensure that your child doesn’t accidentally injure the bird while playing.
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Coded by Natalia Matsypura