The Donation Patrol

The Donation Patrol is a part of the German Red Cross. We have provided comprehensive aid for more than 150 years for people in conflict situations, disasters and health or social emergency situations, solely based on their level of need. Under the banner of humanity, we campaign for life, health, welfare, protection, peaceful coexistence and the dignity of all human beings. Our idea is borne worldwide by over 100 million volunteers and members. Approximately four million members are active in Germany alone. We cooperate with The GRC, in its capacity as the National Red Cross Society and the umbrella organisation of the free welfare care system, is committed to the seven principles of the Red Cross: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, the voluntary basis, unity and universality.

Your small donation could make a big difference for someone else

We collect donations to continue normal operations. With your donations we can increase our activities and help people who need this help. We prepare first aid kits, sanitary products and food for the many families and communities we assist. The Donation Patrol has a donor service for dealing with the many questions that can arise when it comes to the subject of donations. The donor service provides you with detailed information about the use of your donations, tips on how to make secure donations and an insight into our control systems. You can of course contact us at any time, if you have queries

Support our work with your donation!

Banking Details

Bank: Sparkasse
Account Name: The Donation Patrol
Branch Code: 888888
Account Number: 111111111
Reference: Your Name / Campaign

Become a part of the solution

To help people can be incredibly enriching. Anyone who seeks a humanitarian role between school and university, or who wants to colour his everyday life, can become a volunteer There are many reasons for helping other people. Some people seek a human compensation for their timed, demanding working life. Others do not want to start studying directly after finishing school, but prefer practical experience to theory. And there are people who seek a new role, a new inspiration for their future path of life. They all are welcome to volunteer for one of the roles with The Donation Patrol. The Donation Patrol offers three types of voluntary services:

Get Involved

🙀 We urgently need support 🙀

Email: [email protected] Instagram: @Thedonationpatrol
Coded by Netta Barel